Yucca Plant

£30.00 Yuuca plant without pot/container

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Local date is Sun 12th May 2024, 06:49
Local date is Sun 12th May 2024, 06:49

Yucca Plant

Your Yucca prefers bright indirect light indirect to bright light. Too little light will cause growth to slow.
Water your Yucca when 75-100% of the soil volume is dry. Water until liquid flows through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot and discard any water that has accumulated in the saucer.
Your Yucca Cane does not require any extra humidity, but will appreciate an occasional misting.
Your Yucca Cane prefers temperatures between 65°-85° F.
Feed once every month during the spring and summer with a liquid fertilizer for indoor plants.
Yucca Plants are mildly toxic to pets and humans if ingested. 

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