Christmas Naked Bouquet
Christmas Naked Bouquet
Our naked bouquet is a seasonal selection of beautiful, fresh flowers and foliage, wrapped in paper and tissue. Perfect for any flower lover who likes to arrange their own flowers and even better they are left long stemmed so you can play around with them at your leisure.
At Floral City each and every design is one-of-a-kind, created by our artisan florist using the freshest stems. Whilst your gift may look different to the one pictured, it’ll still be just as lovely.
Please understand all bouquet are completely different in size depending on seasonal flowers and foliage chosen.
At Floral City each and every design is one-of-a-kind, created by our artisan florist using the freshest stems. Whilst your gift may look different to the one pictured, it’ll still be just as lovely.
Please understand all bouquet are completely different in size depending on seasonal flowers and foliage chosen.
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